You begin attending check-up appointments at your dentist’s office as soon as you grow your first teeth. But whether you intend to see the same dentist you usually do or visit a new practice, you can benefit from preparation ahead of this appointment.
With proper planning, you can streamline your next visit with the dentist to save time and stress. Read on to find actions you should take before you head to your next dental appointment to enhance your experience at the dentist’s office.
Complete Your Usual Oral Hygiene Routine
During a dental check-up, your dentist will thoroughly clean your teeth. However, you should still complete your oral hygiene routine before this appointment as you normally would.
Professional dental cleanings are crucial to maintaining your oral health. While brushing your teeth and flossing are necessary in order to remove harmful plaque that accrues on your smile throughout the day, you also need your dentist to get rid of tartar build-up and residues in your smile where a toothbrush cannot easily reach, like near your gumline.
Do not skip your oral hygiene regimen before your dentist appointment. Brushing and flossing your teeth will get rid of surface-level build-up on your teeth. Then your dentist can focus on more stubborn plaque and tartar during your appointment, which can save time.
You might feel tempted to brush more rigorously before your dental appointment in an attempt to make up for prior lapses in your regimen. Do not do this. You will not get your teeth extra clean by brushing harshly.
Instead, you could irritate your gums and your tooth enamel, making your smile weaker and more vulnerable to dental dangers. Stick to your consistent, usual oral hygiene routine for optimal oral health.
Note Your Comfort Levels
If you feel nervous about going to your dentist’s office, you are not alone. Dental anxiety can be common in patients of all ages, but it can also be debilitating. If you know you worry about dental work, tell your dentist.
Your dentist prioritizes your comfort in their care, so they can help you feel at ease in their office when they know that you feel nervous. You can also take steps to relax before you arrive for your dental appointment.
Try deep breathing exercises to feel calmer when you go to the dentist. You may want to bring headphones and music that you can listen to in the dental chair to feel more at ease during your appointment. Ask your dentist for other advice that can allow you to combat dental fear with success.
Bring Relevant Items to Your Appointment
Before you head to your dentist’s office, think about all the items you may need for your appointment and ensure you have them on hand. For instance, the front office staff will want to confirm your dental insurance upon your arrival. Bring your insurance card with you to avoid delays and confusion before your appointment.
You should also remember to bring any oral appliances to your dental check-up. The dentist will want to examine these items, including Invisalign or dentures, as a part of your oral evaluation. Forgetting these items may mean you miss out on crucial dental care.